"For All the Powder Days You Missed" — A Thank You Gift

This piece is a tribute and a compliment to Dan Powers. It was purchased in gratitude by the employees of the City of Driggs for a job well done at the end of Dan’s recent term as the Mayor of Driggs. Dan’s wife gave me a handful of photographs and cards, including their wedding program (upper right-hand corner) that she thought might work for the commissioned piece.

Knowing that Dan & Lynn are avid skiers and backcountry enthusiasts, it made sense to go with a winter theme. Living in Driggs has a variety of perks – but one, worth money at a lot of jobs, is being able to take a powder morning to ski. Don’t be deterred if the errand you’re trying to run doesn’t open until after 11:00 if there’s more than 6″ at Targhee. Unfortunately for city workers, government must go on — powder or no.

In honor of Dan’s dedication and sacrifices his employees felt compelled to send him with a parting gift of their appreciation. They presented it to Dan as he handed over the reins to the incoming Driggs Mayor Hyrum Johnson. Later, there was a celebration at a local establishment as Dan re-embraces the life of a powder hound. It was a great compliment to be approached for this occasion.

For all the powder days you missed-web

For All the Powder Days You Missed | 15″x30″ | mixed-media
